The other day I received an email from a guy named "Icarus" and we ended up talking about doing as your told, following information correctly and how we view people. And yes, I did giggle when we were having these conversations and he began signing the emails as "Icarus." When we got to the last topic of conversation he asked if he could ask a few question. I said sure, at which point I was sent quite a few questions and was asked to answer them about 2 people of my choice, as long I would not be embarrassed to show them the answers to questions. Since I am stuck for blogging topics lately I thought I would answer them here instead of the email.
(To avoid confusion I'll do this list of questions twice, one for each of them.)
State who you have chosen to answer the questions about - Sephani and Cael
Sephi first!
1. Who is this person to you(friend, lover, a mix, random)?Friend and other half of my personality.
2. How long have you known this person? Almost a year now I think.
3. How much do you trust this person? A fair amount, I talk openly with her and that's more than I can say for most people.
4. Have you ever fought with this person? I don't think so, no. We tend to agree on most subjects.
5. Are you afraid of this person?Haha no. Well, maybe when we're around each other and get on a kick as we tend to do... then I may be a little scared but not of her. More of where the hell we're going to end up and how sore we're going to be when we get there.
6. What emotions, feelings, or thoughts does this person invoke? Amusement, trust, insanity. Not always in that order.
7. Do you have future plans with this person, what are they? I do, and they involve kilts and a lot of fun.
8. Do you think this person understands you? Very much so actually. We seem to be connected a bit, either she has gone through what I am or just gets where I'm coming from... whether it's a place of insanity or not.
9. Do you understand this person? I think so yes, as much as I can anyways. She may have a different view though
10. Does the mental state of this person worry you, or cause changes in how you view them? Haha not at all, but I tend to have the same mental state so I may be prejudice.
11. When this person sends you a text out of nowhere, what is your first response? Oh! Who did what/what did she do?!
12. Do you have barriers with this person? Somewhat, yes. She's kinda pressed right up against the bubble... halfway in... it's really a wonder she didn't suffocate.
13. Do you believe this person has a sexual nature? Very much so. Of course I have one as well so we seem to amplify each others when we get going.
14. What is this person fault or downfall? Helping. She wants to help everybody and that sometimes wears her out or annoys her. Brand new little subbies, or friends... she'll help if you ask which isn't bad but it gets carried away and she loses the little bit of down time she has sometimes I think.
15. Is this person intense(very serious)? She can be when it's needed or when she's concerned or irritated by something. (She's like me, if she's in the right mood I'm sure she could make a waiter scared just by asking for something they forgot. Just a suspicion I have of course :) )
16. Is there a force of will to this person? Is it new or has it been there a while? There is when she wants you to do something, it's been there as long as I've known her.
17. If they have a force of will, how do you react to it? Depends on my mood. Sometimes I follow through and do what she wants, other times I laugh at her and stay stubborn.
18. Are you completely yourself with this person, no hidden comments,moments, thoughts, etc? For the most part, we bring out mutual insanity... it's kind of hard to hide that from somebody that recognizes it.
19. If something is bothering you about this person do you go to them with it or keep it bottled up? I don't think anything has bothered me about this person, but if it did yeah I'd go to her. Only makes sense.
20. Is this person somebody you want to keep a part of your life? It'll pretty much be a friendship of emails soon, but yes.
21. Do you have a serious or joking relationship with this person? A mix of both really. Mostly joking though, we always revert to snark, wit and sarcasm. Shit's addictive.
22. If this person is hurt or upset would you drop everything to help them or go to them? To talk and help her yes. To go to them will soon require a plane ride and while I love her to death... not even she could get me on a plane.
23. Do you believe this person is mature? Haha when she wants to be.
24. Is there something you've wanted to tell this person but were too scared to? Nope, I think it she hears it. Good system.
25. How do you react to this person sexually? I'm not entirely sure. I don't think either of us has ever really put the other one in that box.
26. Why do you think you react to this person as you do? We have a lot in common. Insanity, OCD, sense of humor, similar beliefs, similar lifestyle.
1. Who is this person to you(friend, lover, a mix, random)? Friend, playmate, owner, dominant... there are probably several others I could use but we'll go with these for now.
2. How long have you known this person? 2 or 3 years now? I don't remember for sure.
3. How much do you trust this person? Entirely. I tell him things that there is no way in hell I'd tell somebody else.
4. Have you ever fought with this person? Hmm, not really no. We've snapped at each other or had little meltdowns but the other one hasn't ever gotten mad back, it's always been talked out and solved.
5. Are you afraid of this person? In general no. However, on some level I am. I know he has plans and fear should always be associated with somebody who plans to tie you up, beat and bruise you...even if it's a false sense of fear with excitement mixed in.
6. What emotions, feelings, or thoughts does this person invoke? Trust, safety, calm, happiness, amusement, lust, and thoughts that follow the same list.
7. Do you have future plans with this person, what are they? I do, and they are our own.
8. Do you think this person understands you? Yes. Sometimes more than I understand myself, he sees things I don't always pick up on right away. ...and then doesn't tell me about them because he's kind of a bastage sometimes :)
9. Do you understand this person? As much as I can without going through everything he has, though I do make an effort to understand more and take in what he tells me. It's important to me to understand him. *shrug*
10. Does the mental state of this person worry you, or cause changes in how you view them? As far as worrying me, it depends on what he's going through and how he's reacting but sometimes yes. I think it's more so wanting to make sure he's okay and not being able to at times. His mental state doesn't make me view him differently at all, but him and I have talked about it so that's the only explanation I need there.
11. When this person sends you a text out of nowhere, what is your first response? To smile and tease him about missing me. ... or sometimes excitement about spiderman suits and wondering what's next.
12. Do you have barriers with this person? Not at fucking all. I've tried putting them up, it doesn't work. Besides, he's already inside them... it's like putting fly strips outside when they're all in the house. Useless.
13. Do you believe this person has a sexual nature? Yes, and he's damn good at bringing mine out more than usual too.
14. What is this person fault or downfall? Most of what people would name for him I don't see the same way, so maybe the way a lot of his friends go to him when they need help. Good to an extent but tiring and probably unwanted at times. That's the only thing I can come up with, other than distance of course.
15. Is this person intense(very serious)? He can be but I don't think it's really his nature. Not with me anyways, so I haven't seen large doses of it unless he's upset in some way.
16. Is there a force of will to this person? Is it new or has it been there a while? Very much so. No it hasn't always been there. When we first met I got away with a lot more than I do now, but he's gotten much more dominant since then.
17. If they have a force of will, how do you react to it? Very well.
18. Are you completely yourself with this person, no hidden comments,moments, thoughts, etc? Yes. Every uncool, insane, ditzy, sexual thought, comment or reaction. It's really amazing that he's still around :)
19. If something is bothering you about this person do you go to them with it or keep it bottled up? I go to them. I may talk to Sephi about it first (sometimes things bug me because of my mood, not because they really bug me and she's usually enough to make me see it) but I always go to him with it within about 24 hours.
20. Is this person somebody you want to keep a part of your life? Yes. We've determined that we're stuck with each other.
21. Do you have a serious or joking relationship with this person? A mix of both, it depends on our moods.
22. If this person is hurt or upset would you drop everything to help them or go to them? Very much so, on more than one occasion all that has stopped me from going to him is lack of transportation.
23. Do you believe this person is mature? In general yes, though he has his moments.
24. Is there something you've wanted to tell this person but were too scared to? Nope, he gets all of it. The more afraid I am to say or bring something up the more I know I need to.
25. How do you react to this person sexually? Very well. All he has to do is say something even just over text and it's like I've been electrocuted. My knees have buckled before, and another time I felt everything tighten hard enough I almost fell over.
26. Why do you think you react to this person as you do? Not entirely sure. There has always been a connection there that made me react to him like I do. I fought it for a while but at some point it got useless.