Saturday, January 30, 2010

First Post

I've been staring at a blank blogging screen for several minutes now unsure of where to start. I suppose there is no better place to start than at the beginning so here it is.

   My name is K and I am an owned submissive. My master found me on a networking site about two years ago and decided to send me a message. I'd like to say that things clicked instantly and we have been inseparable since. However, this is not the case. After a while of exchanging messages we started talking on an instant messenger and I quickly learned that he was in an open relationship. Having just gotten out of a bad relationship myself I was cautious of him and decided to shrug him off and keep him in the occasional conversation category. He of course had other plans.

   I was fresh enough out of my last relationship that I was still upset about it and every time I needed to talk the man whom I had written off was right there. After about a month of this I finally gave in and decided to actually talk to him. Things progressed into learning about one another's likes and dislikes and discussing any random topic that either of us could think of, then one day he stopped going on to the computer. Every time I would log on I would instinctively look along my contact list for his name but it wasn't there. When this happened I began to miss him, which surprised me considering I wasn't expecting to get attached to somebody I had never met. Finally one day after what seemed like months (though it was probably weeks) he reappeared. Turns out he had moved to a city two hours away from where I was.

  We continued with our talks and they progressively became longer and more frequent and much dirtier. At this point I stopped looking for a boyfriend and put most of my focus on this man. A few months after that happened his open relationship ended and he was single. Since neither of us really knew what to call what it was we were doing so we went on for about a month where nothing was defined or exclusive. It wasn't a serious relationship. Like all things tend to do with us it progressed in that month until around christmas he brought up the idea of being my master and daddy. At first I was unsure but agreed to try.

   That was over a year ago now, and I've been his little girl since that day.

   In that time I've learned that I have always been submissive. I always wanted my boyfriend's permission to get a piercing or a haircut and became frustrated when I was told "It's your body," or "It's up to you, I want you to have freedom." Since master came along I have been much happier and more content in the things I do and who I am.

    Right now my master is on the other side of the country for work and I miss him everyday. I got very used to talking to him everyday and texting him all day, some of my rules require this. However, now his job keeps him busy so our talking has lessened some(though master puts a lot of effort into talking with me when he can. I'm not particularly upset by this, I know he tries and besides that I'm comforted by the fact that he doesn't text while driving. It's best for his safety..and those around him. His driving is scary enough on its own.). Because of these things I decided that a blog may be helpful, he can read it when he has time and it lets me get my thoughts out without having to text him a million times a day. He says he enjoys my texts, and he may, but I irritate myself sending them all the time. So, that is what this place will be. A place for my thoughts, my questions, and my personalities :)


  1. Yanno...*looks around to see if anyone is listening*....secretly...I love that Master is so strict about what I can and can't do to my hair and body.....but don't tell Him that! I would love to have my hair dye back but not enough to give up His control :)

  2. I love that my master is strict with some things too. Except my hair... it's a love hate thing right now. He wants my hair in pixie short. Until I was 14 I had hair down to my hips. It's an adjustment I am slowly moving towards and hoping he forgets.

  3. say what!?! see my Master is the complete opposite, He wants my hair super long and I'm used to doing all sorts of crazy things with it (usually ending up with it being chopped off into something even crazier) I haven't dyed or cut my hair except for a trim in over 2 years now :( its down to my mid-back and natural colored!

  4. I would be fine with short hair or whatever hair really if it wasnt curly. When I say curly i dont mean a few waves and one and a couple curls. My hair is permed curly without the perm. So short hair just means it gets curlier and thicker....I dont think he understands how big of a pain in the ass it is. Or if he just enjoys watching me get angry at my own hair... which I can totally buy from him. He always tells me he likes crazy girls, which really works out great for me.

  5. oh wow...see I have curly hair in the spiral curl department but nothing like yours. Mine just suddenly decided to be curly one day after Master and I got back together and its stayed that way ever since. My hair gets on my last nerve with the length and thickness but I think its a mix of they love the crazy and they like it so that's all that matters. Cheeky buggers! That's ok cuz I stock massive amounts of pony tails and hair clips ;)

  6. My collection of such things is slowly dieing off. 1. My cat steals them and I never see them again and 2 Master plays with my hair...I did my hair around him once and an hour into the date I had given up and taken the clips out. I think its hair envy, that would explain why he tries to pull it out occasionally :)

  7. ROFL hair envy indeed ;) that would explain a lot since Master is starting to lose His hair!!! I gave up doing my hair too unless its a quick pony tail or clip that can be easily re-done. every time I do something nice to my hair, His first instinct is to run His fingers through it but ALWAYS starting from the done up part.....

  8. Welcome to the world of blogging little newbie! Always glad to "see" a fresh new face and hear new thoughts, ideas and stuff. Hope your blog brings you enjoyment and clarity. Hugs to you. ThePinkPoppet

  9. Thank you. I'm still getting the hang of things and attempting to get comfortable, I'll hopefully be able to make a post of some substance soon. Though it is always nice to be welcomed :)
